We are not looking at any other writer's except ourselves this month. Here are the exercises to work on:
For a story to have tension, the writer must create
characters with depth that the reader can empathize with. Create your own
spooky character. Create a profile of that character – what is their name?
Personality? Body Language? What do you know about them? Strengths and
weaknesses? What makes us care about them? Then, using your profile – write a
brief description of your spooky character in a way that makes the reader want
to know more.
Every great story needs a sizzling first line or two to
drag the reader in. Create a great start for these topics:
Trick or Treating is dangerous
Ghosts do exist
Vampires versus Werewolves
Halloween is better than Christmas
Being scared is fun
I personally hate writing prompts like these – but for this
month let’s give them a go. Write a paragraph or two for each prompt. Here are the prompts (do one or do all):
What is the scariest thing that ever happened
to you? Why was it so scary?
What is the best Halloween costume you have
ever had? What made it so special?
What is something that used to scare you, but
no longer does? Why was it so scary?
Write the story of one Halloween night from the
perspective of the Jack o Lantern on your front porch.